Saturday, July 30, 2005

A Sociological Observation
Part I
David A. Archer

Dissecting the Modern American Female part I

Copyright ©2005
David A. Archer


The modern American female is a quite curious creature, a
person of any walk must admit. Several years of close observation
and study have prompted me to begin this work. I intend to address what I have observed and experienced from a very honest stand point. I do not intend to gloss anything over or “sugar coat” any aspect of what I have surmised…. Some of it quite alarming in the least. In the same notion, I do intend to maintain a very unbiased
position. I do not intend for this to become a female bashing tool
of any sort, only an honest observation for what ever it is worth.

Further I should state that I spent no less than a decade in very close quarters with some of the most militant and extreme of the ‘feminist’ extremists. It proved to be quite enlightening and mostly to the effect that those extreme stances are actually as much or more susceptible to manipulation than those of the average American Female. Within that time period, I was fortunate enough to witness
the existence of the other extreme within the very same physical
areas…. Even in close quarters within the work place.

One of these individuals of “the other extreme” was (and probably still is) a very distasteful sort. Chauvinist to the extreme measure of a type which employed deception to a degree that would border on cunning if it weren’t so sad. More than once, this individual flat out stated to me that “girls are dumb.” And from the
result of the situation in reference, I have to say that he was correct.

Never before had I seen such an outward display of disrespect for
the female human creature… and in the same motion, never before
had I seen such a positive response to those affronts from the
direction of those females- many being of that extremist position.

This ‘gentleman’ was/is a womanizer in every sense of the word, even to the point of verbal abuse and ‘coercive measures.’ It garnered him a position in the ranks of esteemed individuals within the industry in which this observation took place. To the degree of monetary funding and placement….. even the label of ‘intelligence,’ and ‘talent,’ all in the midst of and under the label of ‘feminist extremism,’ and all within a proverbial ‘stones throw’ of American Feminist leaders…. Many of whom contributed to the furthering of his career. One of the biggest chauvinists I have ever met, was/is funded and cared for from the purse strings of extreme ‘feminism.’

That situation and his apparent success gives pause to considering the actual motive of the modern feminine movement. Did they simply give up? Is it simply a trade of actual position and personal achievement, for the facade of it? Is it that they have relegated themselves to simply playing a part in the chauvinist world….. doing


so in exchange for some false station… some empty costume, while the actual productivity of the world rots around them?

A person would think that such a situation would be hard to find, but again… in that respect…. it seems very much that he was/is correct. The modern American female doesn’t seem to have the capacity to exist beyond some type of ‘programming’ and in that is really quite susceptible to manipulation… even and especially in those extremes. As if they are more than pleased to play the part of the ‘dupe.’ Finding perhaps a comfort in having a ready made scapegoat and excuse to not address those issues which are very much human concern within basic decision making.

The façade itself is one of extremes and exists well within what appears to be a well worn dichotomy; False respect and abuse. The extremists on both ends seemingly pleased with this dynamic for various reasons… many of which have to do with sexual inclinations and tastes, and the juxtaposition those inclinations have with the
society that they portend to uphold… the façade that they maintain in both extremes. The men posturing as respectable gents and the woman as ‘Lilly white doves’… and very militant doves at that.

This dynamic… that of secrecy and delusion, is dangerous to society itself in several ways. The first of which is disease… then further acting as a detriment to the very fabric of society in the social sense, not to mention the damage done to what progress may have been made concerning actual feminine rights. The need for
such an ‘enabling’ dynamic is indicative of the lack of decision making capacity which I have mentioned. I can only imagine the need for such a dynamic stemming from the connotations attached to sexuality…. But even in considering that, a person has to see that such dynamics act as nothing more than a damaging element to the
progress of losing those connotations. To allow oneself to be a party to the utilization of such ‘excuse’ is to display a lack of assertion and personal responsibility itself, within such situations. Where then in that, is the display of any quality fit to make decisions for a community? Again, I have to state that the secrecy element (O.k. .. but don’t tell) is a very real danger as history has proven, to societies on the whole. What does that statement alone, say about the
person that issues it? If a person isn’t adult enough to be responsible for their sexual choices, why then should they be seen as responsible enough to make decisions which influence their direct societies and even society on a larger scale? Why should they have room for judgment of others in a very real sense (in given the


situations). Amazingly enough, this attitude was very much the
standard operating attitude within that community. From my
perspective, they may as well have just out and renounced their
feminist ploys as being what they were… nothing more than a front
to fall again into the subjugated situations of ‘sexual oppression.’
Having done so of their own choice and action. As if it were more
than a choice…. Even to the degree of ‘need.’ Wanting to be seen as
independent and assertive, but lacking entirely the capacity and
sinew with which to make those choices…. To address their own
wants… to consciously decide upon a direction, and follow through
with it without having the excuse of a very dated dynamic. When
did the feminist movement become “O.K. I’ll do it, as long as I have
an excuse?” As long as “I’m not seen as a dirty girl?” When did it
become a mechanism to hide “dirty little secrets?” I was always
under the impression that the movement was about liberation from
such sickened needs… such pathetic disposition…. To the degree of
personal responsibility, even. Individual independence. Decision
making. Respect.

From this point, I will continue with addressing the subject of
assertion. More-so the frighteningly large lack of it within the
modern American Female. I realize that such a statement alone,
will bring hoards of response in a negative sense (and also realize
that such is directly as result of much of that which I am to address
here-in), but sometimes the truth has to be stated…. And in that I
would point out that response to an advert and reaction to a
television series does not amount to assertion. Nor does obstinacy
in the face of reality…. and even less is vindictive spite and rage.

In my observations, I find myself shocked at the lack of actual
assertion within the female population. I am a bit curious about it’s
level… especially in regard to how easily influenced the American
female seems to be. This even beyond demographic advertisement
and covering all degrees of the American female. From the radical
feminist to the ‘bare foot and pregnant’ type. None being any less
moveable in that sense. All being very much “Tell me what I think”
on many levels…. Allot of it within the advertising and marketing,
programming. And it is seen as very much normal….. it is expected
that a person has to acknowledge it for being the ‘feminine right’ to
posture as such in the midst of such destruction…. when it is
nothing more than the destruction of any semblance of the
feminine right.


For years, I always thought that the “beer commercial” was aimed
largely at the male audience… but upon closer study and
observation, it is easy to see how the “beer commercial” mentality is
geared as much to effect the modern female as it is to effect the
modern male here in America. The media bombards the American
female with “how she should look,” “what she should purchase,”
“what she should say,” “how she should act (even in the feminist
extremes).” The example of the beer commercial, is very much
targeted toward the American female in the sense that “this is how
you should look to be popular.” It is geared toward the “feminist
extreme” in respect to “this is what you should combat and it is the
males fault.” Both examples failing to see the actual picture…. The
manipulation being placed on the supposed feminine movement
itself. Both types of women being very much influenced from that
type of advertisement. In peripheral senses, that advertisement
pays for itself in ways that many people do not even realize. The
peripheral movement of other products not directly related to such
an add is quite substantial, and no one needs to be an advertising
executive to see this. I can safely state that any extreme feminist
who reads this work, will automatically slate me as an “enemy” to
‘her’ movement…. Such is the very same predictability which is
considered within the response effect toward such advertisements as
what I have given as example… and such is as predictable as the
reasons many modern females have relegated themselves a ‘budget’
of ‘mad money.’ Just because something isn’t aimed “at” you,
doesn’t mean you do not respond to it (and predictably so). In that
response, you are just as controlled and predictable as is the target
market… in some respects you even supersede the value of the target
market with your response.

In that regard, it is simply basic marketing knowledge… on a
larger scale and in so many other ways… it happens continuously…..
I would venture that the current version of the feminist movement
has to deal more with reparation of damage from their own
responses, than with attention to any supposed progress. This in
those “peripheral” manners, without even realizing it….. perhaps
even being led to believe that such ‘damage’ is due to some other
course of action….. at times being of the mind with which to even
applaud and cheer at their own loss, thinking it victory.

To avoid being seen as some attack on the feminist
movement…… I will again address the fact that these are all
common aspects of the modern American female, regardless of walk
of life or political orientation.


While existing within the atmosphere I have earlier described,
both professionally and personally, in regard to ‘love’
interest/physical attraction…. it is that not even one time did I
experience OR witness a heterosexual female taking the initiative
with any male in that given situation that she may have been
interested in. There were several ‘love’ interests which I was privy
to, but none in which the ‘liberated female’ made the proper
assertion to initiate any given exchange or relationship. This is a
curious double standard. Within a political climate that supposedly
insured the ‘equality’ of the male and female relationship… the male
was still expected to initialize ANY relationship/exchange. This
leans to a curious fact, that much of the modern movement doesn’t
seem to be in the interest of actual equality… freedom of choice and
liberty…. But more for some semblance of control… some façade….
Perhaps even the very cunning invention of an entirely different
target market which has systematically removed the subtle nuances
of several others. As a metaphor…. If the propagation of the
human species would have been left up to the females in that
“modern” situation, the human race would have ceased to exist.

Such doesn’t seem like presence of assertion or capacity with which
to discern between manipulation and empowerment (discerning
between ‘smoke up your ass’ and actual respect)…… much less the
faculty with which to make adult decisions in our modern world. In
fact, in regard to ‘manipulation and empowerment,’ with a
frightening consistency the modern American female opts (many
times knowingly) for being manipulated…. Curiously enough while
still almost demanding to be recognized as ‘empowered’ in some
way. It doesn’t even have to appear sincere….. it’s laughable…. sadly
laughable. I suppose the ‘being manipulated’ provides for that area
of excuse. It doesn’t matter how I look at it… and I have tried to see
it in different ways…. None of that amounts to feminism in a literal
sense… or even basic respect for that matter. But it very much is the
standard within the American society… even more-so in the ranks of
public figures to which ever degree.

Another insightful aspect of the misdirection within modern
“feminism,” is one that has already begun to manifest within the
ranks of American children.

It is, when I was a child, that children would play house….
now…. there is another facet to playing house, and while it does
allow for more to play in the game… I am personally not too happy


with the advent of a children’s imaginary character called ‘divorce
lawyer.’ It may be a sign of the times, but that in itself is my point.

A child used to look toward getting married and perhaps having
children “when they grew up” (among other things) and such was
reflected in their games with one another. These days it is a normal
part of that progression to include divorce. Yes, such is a modern
option….but the reality is that it seems to have become a modern

Why then, should men opt for marriage? Especially in the
modern political and legal climate? Why not just go right from high
school or college, to living in a men’s shelter, destitute and
developing a drinking problem. That kind of direction would
satisfy all of the peripherals attached to the modern ‘industry’ of
familial care…… it would in fact, make certain that the government
programs and lawyers influencing this supposed movement were
safely kept in business. It would maintain some facade of
superiority for the divorcé… while providing plenty of support
(influence, mostly for her spending) to help her through her hard
times…. It would in turn support the ‘help’ groups that manage the
divorced men… and of course their ‘drinking problem’ regardless of
the presence of a drinking problem or not…. While, again…
directing their spending habits through influence and

These things are in no way a part of the desired result of what I
have known as the ‘feminist movement’ for equality….even coupled
with ‘suffrage’….. But in all reality, these things have manifested
themselves very much within the light of that movement. Many
(such as divorce and it’s ‘money making’ aspects) have become quite
the regular in use of the “feminist battle cry” and in wearing the
“feminist badge.”

When I consider those developments… the modern version of
feminism….. it makes it all the more easy to consider the possibility
of feminism having been nothing more than the single best
marketing ploy ever invented. Still further… that it was probably
invented by a man… a corporate executive of some sort I would
imagine. The modern version molded through Disney.

In support of this a person could conduct their own studies
through questioning different walks of females on whether or not
they are a feminist. From what I gather, most all will adhere to that


label regardless of whether they are wearing a bikini or combat

There is no real direction behind it anymore. None past
sensationalism and reactionary tantrum throwing… both of which
are incredible attention getters and there-in very much sought after
for their marketability. There is no assertion within the movement
itself beyond those reactionary aspects. Their seems to be no real
goal in a societal sense beyond the obnoxious (and frail) militant,
misguided touts of some illusive superiority and the flaunting and
suggestion of potential sexual favors. Both being quite mundane
and useless in regard to the structure of society and it’s
maintenance. The extremes of “We have a vagina, and you can’t
have it….” Into “Look at my vagina… if I get what I want you can
have it… but don’t tell.” Which is basically “I’m not smart enough
to be my own pimp” in one extreme and “You can do me if it’s o.k.
with my pimp/corporate pimp” in the other. Again, both of which
are incredible advertising schemes….. but nothing even near what I
knew that movement to be about.

If you mention the possibility of child birth to the modern
“female,” you may as well be suggesting a dose of the black plague to
them…. This is another aspect of modern females that I don’t
understand… especially those that claim to be supporting some
feminine agenda. I may be mistaken, but the beauty and power of
having the ability to gestate and give birth is very much what the
celebration of feminism is about…. Unless, I suppose… it is now
about having the marketability of a two bit whore. Again, I may be
mistaken… but if (as seems to be in the modern day) the basis of
feminine pride (feminism) is possession of a vaginal orifice for the
purpose of pleasure, technology already has them beat…. And most
people with a penis also have hands.

The idea of forsaking the very reasons that being a female is (used
to be it seems) a very worthy existence in my opinion, is beyond
absurd and very much the atmospheric change that I am referring
to. What part of the idea of feminism does being a whore fall into?
What part of feminism does forsaking the very act of being female
fall under? When a person considers it, such is an abomination of
the very movement…. Apparently forgetting what it is about being
female… especially an attractive female, which truly makes them
attractive at that “primal level,” being the prospect of procreation
whether it is a conscious thought or not. The movement of


feminism was very much to insure the equality in that power of
choice as well as the celebration of that very unique power……..
….except of course for all of those brilliant marketing aspects so
evident in the modern version, which are far too many to go into in
this short piece.

A lesbian is no more a feminist as is a jack ass in that respect.
Nor is a homosexual male, though both are widely seen as “friends”
of that movement. Both commonly seen as very much a part of that
movement in our modern day. I have personally witnessed the fact
that modern American females in a larger percentage, will trust the
opinion of a homosexual male before they will even confide in a
heterosexual male. In my opinion, both examples act more as
influences misguiding actual feminism here in America. It is
laughable that the ‘conservative’ females will immediately deny
this….. as will many of the “liberal females,” but it is again only
another aspect of the modern American female…. It occurs under
the guise of “equality” and acceptance.

It seems that ‘feminism’ has been turned into having a meaning
of ‘use for all that you can get.’ The contradictions within it are
glaring to say the least. It very much has taken the place of a natural
need for assertion within the American female population. There is
apparently no need to go after something that you may have an
interest in, as ‘something manufactured will most certainly be along
any minute….’ Seems to be the over all attitude….

…..And lay low all you productive men out there….. you not only
have to deal with the impending divorce (or other ways of which to
relieve you of a monthly check) but as well the prospect of having to
appease the “friends” of this new form of pseudo feminism… which
are those I have described in which the American female does
confide….. both having nothing to do with the idea of equality or
feminism. Both being a very large reason for the lack of assertion in
the American female….. assertion which a person would think
should accompany such a political and social freedom as being a
feminist in the modern day… which most every one of them will
attest to being… but as for the suggested assertion? It is no where to
be found, unless it’s in a television show or commercial.

Further in the example of ‘productivity’ being targeted for
‘harvest’ in that manner, is the dysfunction which it puts upon the
whole of society. It creates a ‘down syndrome’ of sorts in a social
sense. A Purposeful lack of interest in participation at any level….
This may appear to be an effective social controlling mechanism…


but the damage it does to society takes decades to repair… if at all.

It likens to the despotic and tyrannical governments of centuries
ago… without the overt oppressions. It in effect, gets people to do it
to themselves…. To essentially ‘kill themselves’ to keep from ‘being
killed.’ To starve themselves of our moments in existence, to keep
from being starved of them. It is a reverberation and by product of
the larger body of manipulation that is going on. The hypnotism
that quite factually rules the lives of most American women within
all class’ in our modern day…. And mostly from the direction of
televised media. In a comical note, that very same hypnotism is
really the only form of equality in modern America, though it is
used to promote the illusion of different social classes.

This illusion is then in turn used to promote “inter-class” rivalry
of sorts…. It is used to inspire what would be “social climbers” to
embark on a useless, placeless and fabricated journey… all because
of their manipulated perception and small minded self

It is true, that due to this form of social hypnotization, that
much of these insecurities and ill feelings are well beyond their own
control….. but only in so far as they allow them to be without
making the re4alization of their lack of assertion and personal
decision making responsibility.

You may scoff at the idea of “hypnotism” at work in this
instance….. but all I need to do to illustrate it, is have you realize
how “under” you are, each time you find yourself humming a
jingle… or the ‘hook’ of a popular song. That is quite factually the
result of hypnotism. Factually, any sort of stimulation can be
classified as hypnotism, even and especially visual stimulation
though audible seems to get the greater response…. Especially that
which gets immediate and/or extended reaction and response. It
happens everyday whether it is intentional or not… most times in
regard to media and adverts, it most certainly is intended. Some
people are more susceptible to various forms than are others.

A domesticated animal is trained in very much the realm of
hypnotism… in various forms and levels. Usually using all of the
areas we are stimulated through- which are the sense’s; sight, smell,
taste, hearing, touch. In my belief it is that such reaction and
response are the sole (initial) purpose of the senses…. Then beyond,
as reference places to reassert those reactions, actions, responses (of
which memory is the topical reference)…. Though this does not


mean that I believe the majority of it’s uses in our modern day, are
their exact purpose. Factually, in my belief it is that these things
should hardly ever have been manipulated in that overt sense…
more that within the mechanism of their existence and natural
purpose, we have happened upon a way in which to extract a desired
result from a stimulant…..

I do not believe that hypnotism itself is necessarily a bad thing.
In fact, it is very much part of our natural course of existence….

Memory itself is simply as result of those imprints from stimulation
in my opinion. It is the uses of it beyond a natural course, that
there-in become the “ill effect,” and especially in long term abuses of
that natural occurrence. It becomes like scarification….
Numbness… void…. This is much of the effect of what I see
happening to the modern American female on many levels. A loss
of self through that scarification… through becoming without their
own course of experience in life through those abuses….. and for
some reason it seems that most females are more susceptible to
those stimulation abuses… and in that more susceptible to the
dangers of becoming void…. A mental, metaphysical scar which may
even manifest as some semblance of personality in the form of a
series of preconceived “programming,” stimulation…. though it is,
that they are actually void of any natural course of their own…..
simply flesh and blood scars in that sense….. nothing more than a
moving series of psychological associations….. reacting from one
stimulation into the next…. And most times in a reinforced manner
through reward of some sort; “A compliment on some useless,
shining piece of cheap jewelry- or expensive jewelry for that matter,
which really holds no value beyond what has been placed upon it by
someone else- because they happened to have filled some response
that was expected of them.”

Think about that for a moment. A diamond or a small piece of
busted concrete can very much hold the same amount of value in
that sense. It isn’t as though a diamond actually serves a purpose
beyond being glittery…. And it isn’t as though they are rare. It isn’t
as though concrete couldn’t be molded into ‘diamond like’ shapes
and mounted on rings and necklaces….. why then, isn’t a small
piece of shaped concrete on a ring seen as being as valuable as is a
cut stone?

Firstly, I think it is because of that susceptibility I have been
describing…. Then further because of that lack of personal


assertion…. capacity (for what ever reason, most being that abuse of
the senses)….. that “need” for reassurance and excuse.

Such displays of ornate jewelry are very much examples of that
ease of manipulation within the existences of the American
female…. And are very much indicators of the overall commonality
of a perceived social hierarchy… when in all reality, none holds any
more a position than does the next in that sense. All being just as
easily influenced from the very same stimulations. All associating
such displays with something they call love…. Which is unlike
anything I have ever experienced to be love. Their version of it, is
very much as Iggy Pop had stated; “That’s like hypnotizing

I have actually hypnotized chickens, there are several ways to
accomplish it… and he is correct in allot of ways. It is just a bit
disheartening to know that what most American females know
about love, is associated in such manners, through the abuse of the
very normal paths in which fabulous relationships can take root and

When a person puts thought to it… the very reason that such
leanings are developed through such abuse, is because of their
natural existence being perverted. Again this harkens to the very
normal, natural modes of selection in human relationships. At the
very base of such process, is the basic drive to procreate… it isn’t as
though it is a choice at that level. Both the male and female are
subconsciously seeking adequate mates… the basic difference is that
these false indicators (applied/suggested worth, value) have taken
the place of very real indicators of what each is actually seeking in
the other. This goes beyond physical beauty…. But is not limited to
exclude physical prowess.. as is readily evident in the mechanics of
these manipulations….. in fact, many of the distractions have been
devised to compensate for other places of lacking within each
perspective… to draw attention and focus away from the entire
picture, for the immediate and very flimsy forms of satisfaction…..

In my opinion, with this insight, it is that I feel the American
females assertion has been purposefully and systematically stunted….
Retarded and removed. This spans the entire spectrum of genre of
American females. It is consistent in each walk and example of
them…. Regardless of what they claim to hold as valuable
outwardly… they all still adhere to some form of that false
hierarchical structure…. And doing so in the most topical of ways.

Their focus has been drawn away from “managing their personal
existence, their actual interests, and those of their off spring” to how


such feigned attempts at such happen to compare with someone
down the street. The actual valuable things in life, are forgone for
the manufactured façade.

I could stand, clad in simple clothing which I stitched myself…..
holding title and deed to fertile ground in one hand, and seed in
the other, with the talent and know how to flourish… next to
someone with a brand new suit and a pair of diamond earrings
(which amounts to “a box of rocks” in my opinion), and be seen as
less potential than the individual depending upon the opinions of
others to lend value to that which he “offers” as substance.

This example is not meant to say that a new suit or simple
luxuries are wrong…. Only that they are now seen as superior in the
eyes of the American female, to those things which actually provide
and beget value…… the individual which sports the new suit and
diamonds is almost always entirely dependent upon
someone/something else to give him credence… credibility in his
existence. Thus the female that consistently makes that choice has
already forgone any of their own assertion regardless of her walk of
life. They are consistently trading that which can actually produce,
for that which is dependent upon manufactured “image” of virility.

Even the ‘masters’ diploma in our modern day, is often times
nothing more than another manufactured ‘image’ of virility.
Depending almost entirely on the established structure of that
façade for it’s semblance of productivity and worth. I know people
in our modern day with college level educations, that could not
perform within the confines of their professed specialty without a
“crib sheet” of sorts…. Some sort of script in that sense. No matter
how you look at this, it in no way equates to value…. much less
virility… but it is consistently the standard for these types of
comparative choices. It is as if, all a person must do these days, is
carry out a deception to a certain point, and all else within the rest
of their lives becomes a scripted course. This is even seen as
security…. But again, what definition of security are American
females reading? Dependence to the level of slavery upon someone
else and/or an organization is in no way security.

Yes. It is very much like hypnotizing chickens….. AND getting
them to lock themselves in those really small cages that the animal
rights people are always complaining about….. then having them
label it as success and security… promoting it even.. flaunting it as if
it were some achievement.


What kind of achievement is it to have turned a very viable social
movement meant to liberate and enlighten… meant to enrich the
lives of all…. into a self herding, self imprisoning machine of topical
hypnosis, propaganda?

Having spent some time in brothels as a mid-late teen (as a
‘patron’ of the ‘art’), I can see many areas of comparison in the
modern social/corporate structure, to those “stables.” While it is
though, that they chose that profession… I have never heard them
(or anyone else) claim it as a superior or overly productive career
path… it was always just something that they fell into as a way to
make money. I would guess that they opted for this path due to
having been distracted from their own in ways that I have
described…. Many professing the position of never wanting to bear

Why then is it, that the very same dynamic is more and more
the standard in modern society beyond the reasons which I have
illustrated so far? Why then is it that all must be effected from the
same type of decision making.

A person could say, that much of this direction is as result of the
mentioned “not wanting to bear children.” But then how much of
that is as result of those other influences on their decision making?
I can not see ANY female that could honestly say that she never
entertained the thought of having her own child/children. I would
wager fortunes on the fact, that a larger percentage of females
continue to entertain the thought even after they have made the
decision not to bear children. They will at least think about what
difference it would have been in their lives.

Another aspect of this ‘decision’ not to have children… is
resulting in a very strange outcome on the larger social scene…. In
that choice of direction, somehow it is that children are still being
born at an alarming rate…. Not so much alarming because of the
number of them… but more that it is happening in social areas
which are ill prepared to care for those amounts of children, which
then puts that responsibility on other organizations including
government programs- all usually funded from government
funds.….. so in effect… those who choose not to have children of
their own… eventually have to support them anyhow through their
tax dollar…. And have to do so without having any other influence
on the direction of their lives. Most times lives that have been born


into situations which bode ill of their future anyhow. Such would
seem to entirely negate the financial reasoning for abstaining from

What this does, is creates a type of social erosion in many ways.
It promotes the use of unwanted children to secure a larger portion
of government funds – this even occurring in the ranks of people
involved in government programs to insure their own well being as
well as those on an individual level. Thus costing individuals and
society more monetarily in many ways, than any expense of a child’s
positive upbringing- as per each example. Those who have claimed
not to want children…. And have found themselves in a professional
atmosphere as result of their series of decisions…. Are not only
suffering from a lack of their own assertion in regard to their very
real wants…. But as well, are cumulatively carrying the expense of
children that they never wanted to begin with. Further, they have to
help to incur any other expenses that these children may cause as
they become ‘victims’ of their given situation in regard to escalating
crime levels. So in that respect, the facade is really hiding more
than the wasted true potential of being a modern American female.

It is hiding the innumerable expenses which the false version of
female independence is helping to create.

Beyond the monetary aspects are those which are another result
of such a lopsided social mechanism… this aspect being the future.

The corrosive qualities of this direction on society are vast. The
element of over population within areas lacking in opportunity and
guidance is not a very good insurance for prosperity of tomorrows.

This creates an involuntary social movement which again, keeps
itself from progressing…. It invents it’s own obstacles while it acts in
a destructive manner to the whole of society… and further
perpetuates the façade through maintaining a public opinion of
social classing/hierarchical placement.

Within this…. who is it that is going to be making the decisions
tomorrow? What are they going to be basing those decisions on?
What part of this destructive erosion is the “power of woman?”
Which part of this cycle illustrates the superiority of ‘feminism?”
Especially in utilizing such a word as ‘feminism’ to illustrate and
suggest very much a lack of feminine qualities and attributes within
the female existence. Twisting that word and it’s meaning to put
forward the image of false independence…. The likeness of forsaking
all things feminine to posture in a very masculine roll.


I realize that there are those who are going to take a tact and
angle in regard to this work of trying to paint me as some ‘anti-fem.’
This couldn’t be farther from the truth. I also realize that there are
those who are going to try and state that I am suggesting the sole roll
of women is to bear children.... and be subservient…. to be ‘barefoot
and pregnant.” Again, couldn’t be farther from the truth. What I
am attempting to address here, is the fact that within that very
predictable reaction, is the evidence and substance which support
my explorations here-in. It is no-where feminine or ‘equal’ to utilize
such a movement for nothing more than posturing as a male roll.

Even further, to utilize such a movement to exclude the very unique
feminine qualities of the power of child birth. And further yet, even
less feminine to try and exclude the male roll from that process.

Somewhere, it is, that the word feminist became a synonym for
‘intolerable bitch.’ That isn’t the type of feminist’s or effective,
productive working actual feminism, that I as a person have
experienced and witnessed in my life- save for those false imitations
I have mentioned. It is very much a product of the glamorized
version which dictates the emulation of the stereo typical male
‘business man’ and the scripted antithesis of said, being the ‘granola
crunch,’ ‘Tuff Grrl” characters as substance and example of
successful feminist activity…. These really are no different from one
another in the respect that they both forsake the very essence of
feminism…. Even further, opt to try and avoid the area of feminine
for the posturing of the manufactured imagery of said. Both being
collared on the leash of American corporate dictation and doing
nothing without permission there-in. Especially in regard to

I have found from studies I have performed, that it is much more
likely for a female executive to go out and get ‘knocked up’ on a one
night stand, than it is for that professional female to make the
conscious decision of having a child/children without the support
of a husband/significant other. This I find curious in many
respects. The first being that the professed independence of the
American female executive is very much false.

In regard to the given example of probability for reproduction…
much of it has to do with the hierarchical corporate chain. Sure it
is that the law dictates her right to have children and enjoy
compensation from her professional workplace with which to
accommodate that process… but such law in no way states that the
inter-corporate influences will condone such. It is harder for a


professional female to choose to have a child than it is if she were
out with someone and accidentally got pregnant. For some reason,
the corporate atmosphere does not welcome such decision, but will
support whole heartedly any opportunity to seem as though they are
contributing to assisting with resolving a social problem. All of this
under the guise of modern feminism…. ‘helping’ the professional
female to choose not to have children because she is ‘independent’
and does not need such ‘baggage’ to ensnare her and deprive her of
her womanhood. It is definitely ‘something,’ but feminist, it is not.

It is too selfish to be classified as feminism… too void of insight and
direction beyond a ‘hand to mouth’ mentality in the ‘here and
now.’ Maybe it is just a new, more complicated type of ‘hooker?’ It
has all of the attributes…. The drive for monetary wealth and the
lack of consideration for self (or anything else) as to how that wealth
is obtained…. mostly without any idea of what it is that lends value
to what it is they seek.

While I am addressing the modern professional American
female, I should again touch on the aspects of seeing that fabricated
façade as indication of virility. Laughably really… perhaps it is based
on familiarity within the same type of ‘drive?’ Seeing those material
things which have been deemed valuable as a priority in their
premise of existence. Some sort of social status….

Don’t get me wrong here, I am in no way implying that people
should have to exist with nothing of value within society…. It is just
a very strange dynamic and development within our social structure
that such scripted methods for existing are seen as normal and are
actually prioritized in regard to importance in such choices as

There is nothing more to attaining those accoutrements than
placement… really…. And in most cases an extreme lack of a sense of
self based highly on the reasons I have already explained. It is to a
point that any with the ability to attain even moderate success
without such dependence on some other thing, are targeted and
socially outcast…. This among the female rank as well. That is
correct. Those with the capability to independently fill those needs
which are seen as virile and sought at a level which is hard to
explain, are thrown out of society. This basically because it does not
bode well for those within the façade to actually have to try and
compete with any that do have the capacity to excel and provide in
ways those others cannot. It is really backwards when you consider
that the women which should be in contention for those with such


capacity, are usually used through their false political stances… to in
fact remove from themselves the very opportunity of accessing
anything except that mechanical façade…. Most times in the name
of ‘Feminism.’ It is very much that the more likely you are to be an
outright moron, the more likely it is that you will find a mate. It is
a rather interesting social dynamic. Again very much destructive of
itself and much else through it’s effect.

Another interesting aspect of the modern female being a ‘tool’ is
in how easily it is that ‘feminism’ is used as a weapon of sorts against
things and for purposes that have nothing to do with being a
modern female. It is as if it is just some fodder to gum up the
political works for anything else that happens to be someone’s

A recent issue within society has been the legalization of
‘gay/lesbian’ marriages. This has nothing to do with being a
modern female in the sense of ‘feminism’ but it is that feminism
was utilized and dragged into this political front, as a main platform
for many of those involved. Many of whom are the type of modern
female associating themselves to feminism in ways I have already
addressed. This ‘political movement’ was itself utilized to target the
church and certain specific factions of it. Any person that truly only
intended to achieve the legal ability for same sex union, would not
have needed to utilize a platform of feminism OR targeted the

This is a political movement that holds none of the beliefs which
are widely held within the church… a belief in ‘God’ for instance…
and especially the belief of such unions being ‘unholy.’

If it is that such a movement only wanted the legal ability to be
recognized as a marriage, why then the battle with someone else’s
belief structure, and further, why the use of yet another political
movement having nothing to do with either- being actual
feminism… with which to do damage to the institution of the
‘church’ and leverage the decisions of government.

From my perspective… if it were that I were beginning such a
movement…. I would want to achieve it in as efficient a manner as
possible… that means as few peripheral ‘fronts’ as possible. We exist
within a country and governmental structure where a person or
group of people can have their own beliefs. The proper course for
achieving this ‘legalized same sex marriage,’ in my opinion… would


have been through ‘legal’ channels…. There is/was really no need
for embattlement with any other entity. To achieve the legal status
of those unions was/is the goal. Where is the need for useless hang
ups with other organizations? Those other organizations DO NOT
have to agree with the views of any other political movement. It
isn’t necessary to combat them for the stated purpose and goal. A
legal union in the eyes of the ‘law’ has nothing to do with trying to
force someone else’s faith to accept you or your movement. Much
less utilizing an entirely un related political movement to attain it.
The damage incurred to the entire system with such frivolous
political squabbling far outweighs anything anyone could have
gained… except perhaps those with ends set on the destruction of
the mechanism which would and does allow for such freedom of

I personally would have set it as a first goal to achieve common
law marriage as the standard for that movement…. A type of
common law marriage augmented slightly to accommodate the
specific needs of same sex couples. I would have first won the right
to have any existing couple which qualified for the standards
dictating common law marriage with those augmentations to come
forward and claim it in that fashion. I would have focused
politically on that specific task. To achieve a legal union within the
eyes of the law. Such is what our system here in the United States is
meant to be. The peripheral focus on trying to force those of a
different religious faith to recognize same sex marriage within their
own faith, is absurd and an abuse of the system which is there for
productive progress in using it in an attempt at destructive measures
for what ever political reasons.

In those measures of waging such peripheral political battles…. It
is nothing more than making yourself and your movement the dupe
of someone else’s ‘cause,’ what ever it may actually be… in this case,
I would say it were an organization with the intention of damaging
the very mechanism which makes it possible to achieve such
freedom of choice AND efficient co-existence.

In having drawn the ‘feminist’ movement into such a foray… it
has effectively clouded and shackled the actual usefulness and self
preservation of the actual ‘feminist’ existence. It really isn’t more
complicated than in a time and tactic of creating a stampede to
assail the encampment of your ‘enemies,’ destroying anything of use
or value in such a ploy. Destroying even the very structures of that
which has allowed the leeway of your own movement. Sadly


enough, in such a tactic is as well, the evidence of a lack of focus on
the professed goal and political achievement… and is quite
indicative of ulterior motive. The insistence of such a movement
trying to force it’s acceptance in the eyes of some other organization
is appalling. It is a symptom of social illness… especially at the level
of contradiction in it’s means. In attempting to force such an
acceptance, is lacking in it’s own focus and motive…. It is signifying
that it is very much the tool and dupe of some other intent…. It is
signifying motives beyond it’s own control. In that, it is signifying
it’s dependence upon some other motive/means, there-in relegating
itself to nothing more than fodder for some other ends…. losing all
importance of it’s own goals…. ‘sickening’ itself, before it even
begins. It is further signifying the importance of that which they
claim is of no importance to them…. Justifying their ‘enemies’
through placing them in positions of such consideration. There is
no need for any that seek ‘legal union in the eyes of the law’ to seek
to force recognition of that ‘legal union’ in the eyes of an
organization and faith which is entirely unrelated to their
movement. That is indicative of ill motive. That has nothing to do
with the professed goal of equality. It is an indicator of the want for
acceptance in something that doesn’t have to accept them under the
same laws which would recognize their ‘legal union.’

This isn’t to say that the advent of ‘gay marriage’ is a detriment
to the feminine movement or course…. It is to say that in allowing
themselves to be duped into some cause which is firstly, misguided
(utilized as weaponry against some unrelated institution) and then
further of no interest to their own movement…. Is to in fact, weaken
their own position. This is usually done under the guise of ‘unity’
and ‘equality’ when really it is the antithesis of both.

It is very much a predictable course, that somehow the
movement of ‘feminism’ will soon be associated with the recent
persecution of those that use tobacco products. It has already worn
the badge of combat against the use of distilled spirits….. and for
some reason has been politically aligned with organizations
regarding the abstinence of substance use…. But curiously enough…
it is only certain substances which qualify as ‘deplorable’ in the eyes
of the modern feminist….. there are several other substances, many
of which are quite new to the human chemical structure and make
up, which are readily accepted and even promoted by these
‘activists,’ most of which are much more dangerous and immediately
a physical danger to the human body. It is more than a curiosity
that natural substances which have been associated with the human


being for centuries, would suddenly be seen as a danger to the
degree that ‘feminists’ would champion the cause of eradicating
them…. All the while in support of the use of other, synthetic
substances which are made up of, and contain very harmful
chemicals to the natural existence of humans.

The very same ‘pseudo-feminist’ which would persecute someone
smoking a natural cigar, are the same that promote the use of
various chemicals in various ways for the purpose of ‘beautification’
among other things.

Another interesting point in this ‘line’ of what is acceptable and
what isn’t…. are those products that have long entrenched
themselves in society without ever having even been evaluated as to
the level of their dangers. There is a hormone still in wide use
which is derived from horse urine, for the purpose of treating
menopausal symptoms. This ‘drug/substance’ has never undergone
any sort of actual evaluation pertaining to it’s safety in use. No one
really knows what exactly the effects of it are on the human
existence and molecular make up. It was derived and designed in
early Nazi Germany… the mid/late 1930’s. It was introduced and
widely used at a time and fast enough that no one ever bothered to
research it further. Not so coincidently, it is very hard to find any
actual information pertaining to it even today…. any study that
produces ill results in regard to it, is quickly ‘buried’ and defamed as
inaccurate. It is widely known to be a very probable cause of severe
types of cancer…. but such is ignored and purposefully so. Many of
the verbal defenses used to protect it are based around a reactionary
response of accusations in regard to ‘assaulting the sciences.’ As if it
were ‘scientifically established’ while in all reality, it has been
scientifically ignored…. Kept ‘hush.’ What then, could be the
reasoning for this beyond some corporate affiliation? Some ‘market
share?’ With modern science and technology, so many more
options are available which are far safer… and KNOWN as to their
effect and potential side effects.

These are the same type of ‘feminists’ which respond to the call
of politically combating something such as tobacco use.
My mother smoked cigarettes for the full term of her pregnancy
with me. I was born totally healthy. Have only been considerably ill
a very small amount of times…. And in that, nothing more than the
regular child hood illness…. Pox, and a flu. I have never been
‘sickly’ in my life. As much as the modern society touts the dangers


of tobacco (while hiding their use of much more dangerous and
NOT natural substances), a person would think that the human
race would have already died out….. This isn’t to say that I am
promoting the use of tobacco… only that such a ‘corporate/political’
movement is another example of using the modern pseudo-feminist
for the corporate entities own ends. The use of tobacco isn’t
necessarily the danger here…. The health risk in using tobacco is
more in becoming a target in some corporate war for a larger share
of existing commerce.

Tobacco and distilled spirits have been a part of human existence
since it began as far as anyone knows. The process of producing
such products has been very much a part of living for centuries….
Very much more so than in just the imbibing aspects of them. The
actual methods (traditionally) are very much symbolic of the process
of life itself in many ways. It is only with the advent of our modern
society, that the side effects such as cancer have been so
pronounced. I think that is more than coincidence. But again, the
real point here, is how easily the pseudo-feminist movement has
been duped into waging political battles that have nothing to do
with being feminist beyond someone’s corporate ploy in utilizing
the ‘body’ of such topical beliefs.

In regard to the feminine aspects of existence and again in
reference to such natural products as tobacco and
distilled/fermented spirits…. It isn’t hard to see a parallel. The
Earth has long been referred to, itself as “Mother Earth.” Those
things which are derived naturally from “her” are very much in a
feminine scope. There are incredible amounts of comparisons that
I believe are far more than coincidental. Especially in the care and
attention that was traditionally put into the production of many of
those products. Wine, for instance… it is produced with long and
caring attention even before the fermentation process… which itself
could be seen as a form of a gestation period. It is susceptible to the
whim of “her”… being the weather patterns… and even the ‘mood’
of the climate in most cases. Tobacco in a natural form is much the
same…. These are very feminine things…. Very ‘feminine’ process’….
And very much allot more than some coincidental, or even
purposeful ‘homage’ to some corporate advertising ‘spokeswomen.’
It is very much a contradiction to appose these things and
simultaneously claim to be a feminist. And even further a
contradiction to fill your body with chemicals while denouncing
these things AND claiming to be feminist. They, in themselves are


celebrations of the feminine aspects of existence…. And are so
through a natural course of existence. It isn’t as though they were
purposefully derived as some payment to ego….. further, they are
very much more than some excuse for some phony sophisticate to
pretend to be knowledgeable without really having a clue as to the
depth of that which they mimic in their pretense. They are…
because ‘it’ is. That is, they exist because of the feminine qualities
of existence and only because of the course of existence. It isn’t
“Butch.” It isn’t “limp wristed.” It isn’t male and it isn’t female. It
simply is…. though it is something that is wrongfully employed in
the ‘duping’ of entire societies at times.

“It” doesn’t exist because of the human female.

“It” doesn’t exist because of the human species what so ever.

“It,” the feminine aspects which are celebrated there-in, are not
the only such qualities in existence. Nor are the masculine qualities
which have inspired humans to tend to them with care through out
the centuries..… to cultivate them as they would a mother and
child….. their families.

You can no more “fake” a good wine… than you can “fake” being
an actual feminist in the true sense of the word. If I had to draw a
comparison… I would say that most of the modern feminists are
along the lines of what is referred to on the street as “Mad Dog”…
being a fortified, very inexpensive wine concoction… in comparison
to the actual feminine qualities which are unavoidably celebrated in
even the most common of decent wines.

This type of metaphor, translates into society in different ways as
well…and it does so without intention and very much as result of
the course of our existence…. It is that attempts are always being
made to influence this direction and aspect of life…. But those
attempts are as laughable as are the pseudo feminists themselves.
You just can’t fake a good wine. It is obvious to even the most
“untrained” of palates when such is attempted…. that is… it is
obvious to even the most untrained of palates which possess the
insight and self of self, and our existence, beyond the topical. Yes, it
is constantly attempted it seems, within our society…. but really to
no ends other than destruction to those areas which support such
attempts. Ill quality production within society is all that can really
ever manifest in the wake of such ill attempts…. Then beyond that is


the continuation of attempts at repairing/covering up the results of
the ill intended attempts. It becomes a cycle of destruction of itself.

It renders the attentions due to the actual cultivation as spent on
sad attempts at concealing the truths about the very unpalatable
results. Rendering less and less in regard to anything which could
be labeled as productivity with each turn… much less anything
which could be seen as sustenance in any form.

Those holding some line of adamant, hard line femininity…
while ignoring the very essence of femininity are really doing
nothing but marking themselves as what they truly are…. That being
the social by-product of the ‘corporate’ version of feminism… which
amounts to lip service providers and the element which renders
modern feminism a chauvinists wet dream. They do as much to
degrade the feminine as do the outright chauvinists….. even more in
their professed stance while being nothing but hookers in a sense.

In that respect…. Modern feminism is a work of genius from the
perspective of the sexually inept and socially lacking male element…
the female element as well, for that matter. It sets up a situation of
“call and response” which have little to do with actual feminism.

When I think about it… modern feminism and it’s twisted
versions, might be the only way that ‘nerds’ ever started to get laid
to begin with. … and that wasn’t because of some form of equality
being produced, or even the very obvious manifestation and
emulation of pseudo masculinity in the ranks of pseudo
feminists….. it was simply due to the basic manipulation of people
(females) with much less than any simple clue about what it is they
are claiming to be and support. In that respect, there are those that
think the modern, pseudo feminism is a godsend.

Another point of contention in my opinion, is the development
and regard of pseudo masculinity as being some affiliation/part of
feminism. When did the overblown emulation of masculinity
become feminine…… or a feminine goal in promoting feminism? In
one breath they will threaten to remove the testicals of any male in
their midst….. and in the other condone the womanizing such as I
have described AND while doing so themselves. I have heard worse
things said about the female existence and sexual attributes from the
direction of females (militant lesbians), than any male I have ever
met or known. Then support their distasteful commentary with
things a person would expect from the most repugnant of
chauvinists…. “She likes it like that.”


Where is their room to complain of anything pertaining to the
female, feminine element of existence? Especially when all that
their existence has become, is an emulation of that which they claim
to detest. “It’s o.k. if we behave in sickening, ill manners toward
you, because we are females…” It is quite disturbing in the least.

The fact that it is over looked and even tolerated is concerning in
the same respect. The fact that somehow such has become
associated with feminism would set every alarm in my head off if it
were that I were a female of an actual feminist persuasion. Being a
male, there is really nothing I can do except watch as it all rots away
in that direction. Factually, my attempt at addressing it here-in is
more than likely going to draw the wrath of those trying to hide that
kind of sickness. Such will transpire in the very predictable manner
of accusation and excuse in my being a male, as if it means that I
have no insight into existence itself.

Perhaps the fact that this kind of modern, pseudo feminism seems to be the normality and standard in the United States is a type of hidden, merciful reprieve. That in the hopes through deduction, of any actual feminist not being here to witness
it…..being spared the misery of witnessing this modern version of the “American feminine society.”

It is hard, very hard to watch….. so much being wasted and in a manner as to never be attainable again. It is a tragedy ranking among the highest of tragedies… ranking in the extinction of species though it is that those professing it are actually multiplying. All through their own misgivings, and unfortunately, misunderstandings of what it is to be feminine… and obviously misunderstandings of what it means to be masculine in the same respect and relation. Somehow having turned ‘feminism’ into a
synonym for scarred, vindictive and hateful emulators of masculinity…. While simultaneously suggesting that actual masculinity bears the very same traits… and is there-in to be despised and hated… even persecuted.

From my upbringing and perspective…. From my experience and insight…. Actual feminism and actual masculinity aren’t that different….. they are very much of the same respect, in that respect, for that which ‘is.’ They are very much from the same form of ‘essence.’

What is now manifest within the modern American female is nothing near it, in either extreme….. what is now seen as feminist


within our ‘modern’ society, is very much as of an undeveloped child… a selfish, unisex, empty and abandoned child seeking an excuse in anything it can find. Seeking to loose wrath on anything that may get in it’s way… even those things which have sustained it, and especially anything that will not help to propel it on it’s way to
it’s own destruction through supporting the façade it so laboriously maintains. Doing so at the expense of anything and everything it can manage. Even itself in ways it does not possess the capacity to grasp.

The modern American female really has no clue as to the depth
of existence. The modern American female judges itself based on
what many other things tell it to aspire to….. rarely is it that any
actually are of their own in any real way. It is very much a
production meant to play on an image….. an image which is nothing
more than a facsimile of a male roll in one extreme, and a ‘lust
bucket” in the other. All the while becoming enslaved and
dependent on the “spinners” of this imagery. Amounting then to
nothing more than prostitutes for an image. All through their own
efforts….. more through a lack of effort in becoming their own
existence and all which that would entail.

It is far easier to have an excuse, to say you are an aspiring
feminist which has met adversity and perhaps failed in that
confrontation… the supposed failure in that supposed confrontation
is really nothing more than your payment for the ability to lease
such an image, than it is to risk ones own existence… triumphs and
failures. It’s an agreed exchange at that. And laughably…. It is an
exchange which really has nothing to do with actually being a
feminist. It is an exchange to quell the fabricated version and
wanton-ness of that image, to satisfy some false knowledge of
feminism. In some cases, it is seen as some duty for the “cause” of
this false feminism… as if it were for the actual existence of

An actual feminist doesn’t need the image of it… there is no
rent in that respect for an actual feminist…. There is no ranting and
raging to account for…. There is no excuse that need be made.
Those that endeavor to those arrangements are doubly duped….
And more-so in never having known what it is to be feminist to
begin with. Selling themselves short in all angles of the subject.

Trading something they can’t even begin to understand…. For the


modern image of someone else’s version of it…. Claiming it to have
been their right because they are a female.

Let’s get this entirely out in the open… I am a male… if women
want to be hookers… I’m not going to argue or even complain until
such becomes a health and safety detriment to the rest of society…
and there-in directly effecting me…… but it sickens me to witness
such blatant whoring being labeled as feminism. That is a form of
desecration in my mind. Even more to the ill when the pseudo
feminist whores serving those that support their image, levy their
duped, pseudo feminist whore opinions on the rest of society in the
guise of feminism.

Another point here, is that there are as many male whores in
that respect as there are female…. But the guise of feminism isn’t
used in the masculine version of such whoring…. And further it is
that the masculine version of such whoring… such want of apparent
social station and importance isn’t as effective on the rest of society
as is the example of blatant whoring for social status that is evident
in most females with lofty ambitions… that is… the type of
ambitions beyond their own capacity and will to achieve of their
own. That isn’t feminism.

In recent observations of females across the demographical
spectrums… the over all commonality is quite simply that most of
them are frequently alone. In that they are difficult to approach
given their disposition for what ever reason. Again, this is an
observation that entails a larger number percentage of females…
attractive young females as well as females in general.

It isn’t as though there is some lop sided population issue…. It is
simply that they are alone…. And with as many young men in the
very same areas. Many of these females spend countless hours
alone…. In that, they spend those hours alone, wanton of
companionship… all the while maintaining a stand-off-ish and ‘nonresponsive’
attitude in areas and situations that would other wise
enable them to find companionship.

I have noted as well that this changes immediately when the
opportunity of potential money/gain of some sort is involved… this
also changes immediately if they are lead to believe that interaction
will lead to some sort of ‘success’….


I have, as well, somewhat extensively researched another
phenomena involving, and on the internet pertaining to just about
anyone with a twenty dollar bill and a video camera being able to go
into business with an amateur porn site…. Sadly these exchanges
result in scathing insults published along with the footage of sexual
favor…. This ‘favor’ having been achieved through persuasion with
money or other promises….and the tone and type of schmooze
attention the young ladies receive leading up to the actual sexual
exchange and filming is sickeningly obvious as to the ends desired.

It is usually in the progression of some promise to fame… some
extra income… some sort of ‘audition.’ It then (and quite rapidly,
usually) becomes an outright fuck session that is incredibly
demoralizing in most cases. That footage is then published on the
internet with horrific commentary pertaining to the female that was
involved…. “This stupid little slut didn’t have a clue, but ended up
taking my cock like a pro…..” “We found this little bitch at the
mall…. Her daddy thinks she is shopping with her friends…..,”
“This dumb whore had a tattoo and said that she could handle
pain… then I fucked her with my giant cock until she cried…”

“There is obviously no shortage of this type of “feminist…” as it
is hardly possible to count all of the dollar porn sites containing
footage obtained in the same manner… and in that it is that each
web site has a substantial amount of different females that have
made such decisions as being filmed having sex with people (many
times multiple) that they don’t know within moments of meeting
them… many times in places like the back of a van moving down the
road….. the entire exchange done in a matter of minutes….. And
even further, these sites are always updated. What type of feminist
is that? These type of liaisons extend into the married female and
middle age/divorced females as well. Much with the same result
and much with the same demoralizing action and commentary.

What’s more to the sadness of this… is, as I have stated…. These
females ‘agree’ to these exchanges.

Again…. A healthy romp between consenting adults is one
thing… it is in fact a very interesting and worth while thing….. in my
personal opinion it is even more so a worth while thing when it is
that the consenting adults are of some rapport beyond “You have
nice tits and a cute ass…. ‘gee thanks, no one has ever said that before’…..
do you want to make an audition video? I have some
connections…..and you have the goods……” Which ends up with
sexual intercourse usually, and perhaps even an exchange of money


“for her time” upon being informed that “she probably isn’t what
they were looking for.”

Don’t look now, but the self proclaimed, “Modern Feminist,”
while enjoying her ‘freedom, equality, self sufficiency and
empowerment,’ just became a whore of her own volition. This
usually then begins a vicious cycle of events and emotions within the
‘Modern Feminist’ that chose to become a whore. Firstly toward the
men that ‘turned her into one’ and then toward any female that has
as of yet to make the same stupid decisions as she has found herself
making. What this usually means is that in spite of the “Modern
Feminist Whore’s” new (and misguided) hatred toward men… she
usually begins to work with and for those men (and specifically the
ones that she supposedly hates) in getting other recruits for the same
type of endeavors. What this also becomes is a blind distaste for all
men in general… just as a matter of course….. most of the time, the
specific men that provided the opportunity for the independent
“Modern Feminist” to choose to become a whore, become her only
male contacts in society…. Other than perhaps the occasional ‘trick’
which is never referred to as a trick…..

From my observations, the “Modern Feminist” within that cycle
usually becomes so delusional that even the harmful commentary
published publicly about her, next to footage of her copulation, is
seen in her eyes as some sort of compliment after awhile.

Though this isn’t feminism, it is widely thought as the road to
such….as many times a part of the eventual exchange is in the
secrecy and in ‘support’ of that illusion from the direction of those
which have become her ‘pimps’ for all intent and purpose.

The idea of “feminism” then has been changed from the
presence of equality and independence of choice… to dependence
on others to tell you that you are those things that you want to be….
This being achieved through violating everything about what you
claim in claiming to be a feminist.

Yet again, so as to be entirely clear about my position; A good
‘poke in the whiskers’ is a very human thing….. but why is it that
‘whore = feminist’ in our modern day? It isn’t as though the sexual
act is the beginning or end of anything… ESPECIALLY in the
capacity in which it has become. How did ‘feminism’ come to
mean ‘sexual prowess’ while disregarding every other aspect of


Many of these ‘pseudo feminists’ even become brainwashed in a
degree that they begin to think that their sexual drive is indicative of
their level of feminism….. the harder that they ‘fuck,’ the mightier
they are seen as a feminist…. Now, personally I don’t have much
against this type of attitude… that is, being a ‘live wire’ in the
sack….. I do have something against the manner in which many of
them attain such a ‘drive’ and the other things that they desperately
want them to mean…. One of which being some sort of attachment
to the badge of feminism while disregarding everything else about
it…. About being human within it…..

Even further in the aspect of “sexual ambition,” is the fact that
most “Modern Feminists” will not ‘expose’ themselves in such a
manner with their mates. Many of them even go out of their way to
find other ‘partners’ for which to become ‘animal like’ in their
sexual performance. This is incredibly dysfunctional. It is ill. It
makes me ill to know that it is quite common… and I personally
believe that such is connected to the growing tendency of playing
‘divorce lawyer’ as I have described. Where is the need to secrecy…
the willingness to deprive the person you swore yourself to…
perhaps even have had children with? Where is the strength of the
‘Modern Feminist’ in communicating such wants with even those
that they are already incredibly intimate with? What kind of
feminist would make such decisions and do so willingly? To
willingly violate so many things about being feminine…. To forsake
even her own children with such secrecy? Needless secrecy at that.

I do very much expect the response of ‘none of your business’
and the like… in regard to extra marital affairs…. But come on?
Where is the element of feminism in which such acts are done in
the name of? Why label it feminism?

Another aspect of the internet phenomena, is the amount of
“single and looking” profiles a person can find on the internet….
Some of them being genuine attempts to find companionship, but
most being nothing more than an advertisement for sexual favor in
exchange for something…. Many of those being very blatant to the
point of outright stating it in so many words. These seem to be very
much a product of the “fall out” from experiences like those I have
just described. These “profiles” becoming some sort of vehicle for
some spiteful revenge that is really more sad and worthy of pity than
anything else. It seems that to most of them, those profiles
represent what it is that they have lost of themselves. In essence


they seem meant to represent that dead area of themselves that once
would have existed as the feminine quality. The profiles rang in sort
from outright hurtful toward others…. to ‘alluring’ in a “bad actor
way” in an effort to potentially set up the situation where the female
can purposefully attempt to emotionally hurt their ‘prey.’ This
representing some twisted form of feminism and seen as some sort
of feminine power. For some reason, life turns into a series of
hurtful games for these people, and these profiles begin to be seen
as some sort of safe place…. Some fantasy representation of their
feminine power.

Anyone with any semblance of insight into existence at all knows
that destruction of any sort is in no way real power….especially
purposeful, premeditated destruction. Anyone can break
something, but not everyone can build something. It isn’t everyone
that has the power and sense of self to risk being exposed to the
natural forms of emotional highs and lows….. but anyone can spew
hurtful crap…. anyone can deceive and lie….

These people classify themselves as feminist. This tells me that
there is an incredible lack of understanding pertaining to the
meaning of that word.. and even further, what using it in a self
descriptive manner suggests…..especially when involved in blatant
solicitation for sexual favor in exchange for something… and even
more so in labeling purposeful attempts to destroy the potential of
someone else’s happiness as ‘feminist.’

Somehow, “feminist” has been transformed into ‘mindless,
delusional hooker living in denial…’ and has been effectively utilized
through out society in many ways as such…. transforming the
potential of a politically active and healthy body, into a “body of
influence” for a price. Self regulating prostitution on several levels.
All anyone needs to do to employ the feminist body for their
own ends, is associate your want or movement with the ‘image’ of
‘independent female’ while simultaneously slandering those in your
way as having been anti-feminist. They will even damage their own
ranks and the very substance of their own movement…. Most only
seeking some topical, senseless revenge that exists mostly in their
own mind for reasons of the same sort. None researching the
reasons for such a “call to arms” beyond the word of mouth and the
ever present payment of ‘lip service’ for the use of such influence.


The odd situation of this, is that many of the young ladies seem
to think that they are “soldiering” some battle of the sexes.. and are
holding some feminist ground in doing so. Such is their immediate
‘escapist’ excuse in failing to be actually involved and informed…..

This perception bodes well for those seeking such sexual
encounter and use politically of that body…. But for the actual
movement of feminism, for the actual potential of human
interaction, it is a hideous disease… one that no one can do
anything about, except watch as it rots the very metal of existence
on many levels…. a little more every time it is employed as such.
It seems as though the females really want to engage in these
sexual activities. They only want an excuse for doing so. They want
to, but don’t want to be seen as wanting to….. probably in some
strange attempt at respect for feminism. This is entirely backwards
in my opinion.

Females enjoy sex as much or more than do males. As I said,
they want to engage in sexual intercourse but don’t want to be seen
as wanting to…. This being because, I suppose, that ‘wanting to’ and
doing so frequently would somehow devalue their existence if it
were not a secret. If it were known that they had sex of their own
will and volition as much as they would like, they would be seen as
‘dirty’ and would feel as though they were devalued. The fact that
many seem to think that honest exchange and interaction would
‘devalue’ them in some manner (hence the secrecy), means that they
themselves, objectify themselves. They place themselves in the roll
of ‘livestock,’ something to use meaninglessly…. They place
themselves in the roll of ‘object’ which their feminist leanings
outright rail against. I believe this need to ‘conserve’ their ‘public
value’ and ‘marketability’ is part of why the modern female
(feminist) has so much trouble with being assertive in beginning any
relation or even communication with another person… specifically
any male.

In all honesty, I do believe that it would be rather an
entertaining experience to be involved in passionate intercourse in
not so normal situations… it is exciting in allot of ways….. It is the
fact that these young ladies are doing this for ‘potential fame’ (which
no one can seriously believe), for money….. and for some false sense
of empowerment through what ever brain washing has created this
“Modern Feminist.” Letting yourself… choosing to be sexually used
and discarded isn’t feminism, but is accepted in the ‘feminist’ ranks


as long as it is a ‘secret.’ Being a ‘cash and carry’ hooker, a hooker
for ‘trade,’ is no where near feminism either. In my opinion, an
actual feminist of their own empowerment and person, would make
the decisions to become involved in these exciting situations because
they want to experience them… not because they might get
something out of it….. not because they may be provided with an
excuse in acting stupid enough to insist that they believe the
outrageous lines some of these guys (and other females) use to get
them undressed and on camera…. And definitely not just because it
will ‘be a secret.’

Another aspect of this, is the façade of wealth…. Directly, there
is a young lady standing next to me… if I turned to her with any sort
of proposition in even just a normal male/female roll… the chances
of getting any sort of a positive response are far less (if any at all),
being that I appear to be an average guy, than if I had a roll of
twenty dollar bills I were flashing around (regardless of how I
obtained them) and a rental limo. Even if I brandished a twenty
dollar bill with a video camera in my hand, I would be more apt to a
positive response than in wasting time in conversation in the
direction of human exchange. Factually, in the modern day, I
would be the fool to waste time in such a direction…. As the
modern “feminist” is very much bored with anything seen as
mundane/normal…. Even if it is that I had managed to convince
any prospective young lady to share any amount of time with me…
she would not be interested in anything farther than some ‘buddy’
relationship…. And would probably be very likely to find herself in
some meaningless sexual encounter with another partner (most
likely in exchange for something), even while becoming more
acquainted with me. Failing even to explore the possibilities of such
a relationship with the individual she is “getting to know.” This is
seen as some sort of “freedom.” They really do not see the depth of
how much they are being played upon and used. They really don’t
seem to see how it is that they are accomplishing nothing with this
attitude more than effectively running away from the actual
substance of life…. the potentials for experience beyond any casual
encounter. They are purposefully avoiding the depth of life.

This, I suppose cannot be attributed to any singular reason in
considering the modern society….. everything is expected to be
‘now’ and even that isn’t fast enough in many cases. Such a
direction coupled with the continuing loss of sight as to the reasons
and human qualities of existence….. and as such in ‘feminism,’
amounts to a very deep and wide communication void. In fact,


knowing that such has been steadily increasing as the normal in
society, tells me that along with these hard lines and lost directions
of movements has come the loss of knowledge in basic
communication. Predictably those ‘hard lines’ have equated to the
manifestation of a confusion due to loss of natural human content
within everyday life. As if something has retarded the mental
growth of the American female…. this not to be confused with academic

For instance; I can stand or sit at a bus stop next to one or more
females of my same age or there about… and can safely say that not
one of them will move to strike up a conversation of even the casual
sort. Given, I am no sex symbol but I’m no slouch either… in fact,
anyone that invested a bit of time in getting to know me, would find
me quite the catch…. The point is, is that it is a very natural and
human thing to be curious about the opposite sex and to have some
level of interest in even the most simple of ways…. It is a very
American thing to not explore that initial interest to some degree or
another. People here, especially females… just don’t seem to grasp
the idea of ‘Carpe Diem.’ To most Americans, that translates to
“get what you can as fast as you can” and as if it needed explaining,
entirely misses the meaning and point of such wisdom.

This lack of communication is something definitely derived from
recent modern America….. I can state an experience that supports
this in very much the same situation I posed as example with the
bus stop. It was mid late evening, and I was waiting for a bus… a
young lady walked up and stood relatively close to me… we
exchanged glances and then subtle looks…. To which she tried to
explain that she didn’t even speak English… she was/is of European
nationality…. Even through our inability to verbally communicate….
we managed to convey some rather pleasant meaning… even so far
as her eventually sharing with me a piece of fruit that she had in her
coat pocket. An American female, even in the guise of touting
feminism, would never show so much self as to initiate conversation
with a stranger, much less give offering of such a magnitude in such
a simple gesture. That in itself is another form of communication
that has been lost between the American male and female. To share
your fruit, food in such a manner… in such a situation…. Really,
what more need be said? It wasn’t meant to say “Fuck me now” and
leave in the morning… and it wasn’t taken as such. It was simply a
human gesture…. A gesture that meant more possibility than any
number of near pornographic personal profiles on the internet…. A


gesture that meant more possibility than a $20 payment to be a hole
in a fuck movie.

In another observation, the lack of actual assertiveness even in
those females supposedly exercising a ‘modern’ level of equality and
rights in feminism through participation in the United States
Military is readily obvious. For instance, in observing modern
sailors in the U.S. Navy on shore leave….. the difference and lack of
individualism within the modern female is even more pronounced.

Those females within the ranks of these groups of sailors all stayed
well within the grouping. It was always the males within the group
that ventured to communicate with any civilian element. It was very
much the males that showed any assertiveness within the groupings.

This isn’t meant as any sort of insult, but is purely observation.

Even in a strictly enforced governmental atmosphere which a person
would think would very much promote the individualism and
assertiveness of the ‘modern feminist,’ the tendency of the females
was to maintain a submissive roll. To follow the lead of the more
assertive male’s. To remain in the group. This tendency, combined
with some false platform of social station, is very much what begins
to cause the imprisoning effect of the pseudo feminist dynamic.

This effect within society equates to many of the things I have
already addressed, and especially within the common aspect of that
phenomena I described about a “political body for hire.” Many of
them really don’t see the misuse of their supposed movement….
And it only became supposed through a lack of actual participation
on their own part. Essentially, “feminism” has been molded to be
nothing more than ‘embittered body of nags for hire.’ I believe this
to be for various reasons. The first of which, as I have already
explained, is a lack of assertiveness and participation in even their
own existence. Much more of this ‘development’ is due to the
corporate atmosphere of the United States, and much of what that

Every day, I watch numerous… waves of young, attractive females
that are always alone. This is for some reason. A reason beyond any
topical explanation. These young, available women live lives that
systematically become empty….. filled with nothing beyond
television programming and years of sitting there wondering why
they are so lonely.

Sure, they have the occasional night out….. but most of them in
that become the inadvertent victims of illusion… the illusion that


they are actually doing what they want to be doing… because
someone else tells them that they are…. When in fact, they cannot
account for the frighteningly substantial amount of their lives that
they spend in front of a television, sitting on a couch wishing they
were doing something else.

Some of the women spend years doing this. Think about that…
that is years filled with nothing except someone or something else
telling you that you have what you want. Telling you that you are
alone because you are a ‘strong, independent female…’ a
“Feminist!” They do this, in some cases for decades… eventually
looking back and seeing the nothing and wanton content of their
wasted lives.

The very thing that served as their best friend through all those
years, which is the television…. Loves this moment of realization….
It means to the television that the female, ‘Feminist’… is going to
seek council of some sort and who better to provide it than her
friend the television set? Something else that this does, is to set up
the rank and file of the “Nag for hire” aspect that I have addressed.
Imagine looking back at your life after having dedicated it to the
empty ‘suggested’ promises of fulfillment if you simply ‘comply,’ and
seeing the truth of the void it actually became? HUGE amounts of
bitterness… and sadly it becomes bitterness that is simply
misdirected through the same manipulations as those that created
it. You notice that it is never the corporations fault… it is never the
individuals fault that has reached insanity due to this bitterness…. It
is always some ones fault that will serve as a point/excuse to
continue the cycle of creating that bitterness. “Parents… ‘Almost
boyfriend’….. even their job.”

Think of it…. Committing decades of your life to some suggested
idea given you in the ‘beer commercial’ mentality… then finding
that none of those years of investment did or will pay off. Some of
these people buy into these images their entire life….. spending
absurd amounts of money over the years on some promoted image
that is supposed to lead to/deliver happiness. Why don’t any of
them ever notice that it can only ‘do it tomorrow.’

Many of them are lead to believe that their occasional night
out…. even the $20 fuck scene, are payments from that dedication.
The big prizes so to speak. Most are told what to believe about even
themselves through the same mediums….. as they sit, embittered


alone…. ‘investing’ in the supposed possibility of some image…
when they are really doing nothing but passing on the actual
possibilities of their lives.

I am not suggesting that everyone should run out and do some
crazy thing every day…. But a bit of assertive involvement would save
so many people so much bitterness and emotional pain. Assertive
involvement that isn’t of the common variety which entails the
employment of that already developed bitterness and
unfounded/misguided hatred.

From my personal experience, there doesn’t seem to be much of
a difference between the Urban and Rural female in the modern
day…. This comparison in regard to the area’s of delusion and level
of comfortable assumption, which I feel is part of what aids the ease
of manipulation within those ‘pseudo feminist’ ranks.

I grew up in a semi-rural setting. Mostly through the seventies
and eighties. Much of what I grew to know feminism as to be was
very much a movement with which to secure a more equal footing
within society for females of all walks and professional
levels/aspirations. This has ‘progressed’ in manners that I have
described and has grown to create another phenomena as well…
that phenomena being a very uncommon area of social friction
within the domestic concerns of American existence.

With the feminist movement came a sense of independence. A
social atmosphere in which the female was no longer relegated to
the stereotypical ‘women’ things within the domestic situation.
Strangely enough, this opportunity also grew to create another area
of contention so to speak, about concerns of and for the personal
value of the American female. It placed society in a pickle of sorts….
No longer was the female to be held responsible for those tasks and
stereotypical functions of the house wife… but as well, the male
could not fill them in her place out of some danger of encroaching
on ‘female turf.’

This double standard has progressed and grown as a dysfunction
within the house hold and society. I have experienced it personally
in multiple attempts at investigating the possibility of becoming a
‘house husband.’ The ‘attempts’ being mostly from survey and
observation of the modern domestic situation.


This rather unique social dynamic, while not being particularly
optimal for the family environment (being that double standard), it
does prove to be seen as quite profitable to many large bodies of
corporations. If it were that the male began to take on house hold
responsibilities….. it is that many of the convenient areas of
available products would then become stressed for ‘move-ability.’ It
is much more convenient and profitable for these producers to
provide for those basic needs, than it would be for men to begin to
step into those rolls (in the eyes of the producing corporations and
subsequently those of the public through that influence). It is very
much that the ‘feminist’ movement is a great provider for the
demand of pre fabricated solutions for the house hold
environment….. And beyond the fiscal concerns… is again that area
of unspoken competition.

In many of the opinions of the modern “pseudo feminist” the
area of domestic provider is still supposed to be a females right to
tout. This doesn’t bode well for the domestic situation… especially
in those with one or more children. The double standard creates a
non-starter situation…. Almost an ‘un-addressable’ friction. If the
male moves into those areas of being the domestic provider, it is
seen as encroachment on the feminist…. If the male insists on those
duties being performed in that capacity by the female, it is seen as
an encroachment on the modern feminist. This leaves very few
options… the most readily available and obvious of which is ‘out
sourcing’ of sorts. Pre-fabricated food products, baby sitters- day
care….. and it leads to the illusion and further false bolstering of the
‘pseudo feminist’ movement, that the male is really not needed in
the domestic situation. As if the male is then ‘dead weight.’ It is a
very selfish and one sided political position that results most times
in furthering the dysfunction which is spawned in that situation.
From situations I have witnessed, many times this creates an ill
environment for a child’s growth. As if their existence and
relationship with their very own parents is a sort of ‘rental’
relationship. That may seem like a very crude illustration, but if a
person examines it there is more than substantial truth to it. The
child/children ends up with more time having been spent with
‘others’ than with their own parents. These are the same
demographic of children that spend most of their time watching
television… alone…. until their parents get home. All in the name
of preserving a ‘pseudo feminism’ and avoiding very important


Again, as I have stated… it is in my belief that the biggest reason
to preserve and promote this pseudo feminism, is derived from the
corporate influence on society. Firstly, as I have pointed out, it
creates a political body for hire that really is void of any actual grasp
on anything truly political….. it then acts as a wonderful ‘fuel’ and
guarantee of the movement of convenient products. The political
resonation and ramifications of this are harrowing at the least. If
manipulated properly, it moves almost the entirety of political
influence OUT of the hands of the public through this channel of
“feminist activity.”

There is no more real buying power either, as the entire house
hold depends on someone else’s corporation… and in that then on
those corporations political opinions… this leads to entire families
having no option for their future other than investment with these
companies that have gained such an influence. Again, in the name
of feminism, directly or indirectly. It seems to be seen as some
political muscle for these pseudo feminist… when really it is nothing
more than blind dependence on a larger, faceless influence. That
faceless aspect then becomes another convenient point for the
manipulation of this very large body of uninformed, perhaps even
entrapped people….. sadly thinking that they are striving to
maintain/gain some sort of independence, when in all reality they
are helping to destroy the very structure and environment in which
actual independence in that manner would flourish. You see, actual
independence in that manner is NOT conducive to the productivity
of these larger influences in their preferred manner. What is
unfortunate, is that actual independence really isn’t a detriment

Then there are all those other peripheral ‘profit opportunities‘
which are derived from dysfunctional familial situations.
The comical aspect of this is quite predictably the fact that if you
survey 1000 females from all areas of existence, you will NOT find
ONE pseudo feminist.

Another note on the ‘influence’ of this broken movement, is the
media in all forms. Celebrity personalities are constantly utilized to
portray the “Modern Feminist” in various forms and situations.

What is laughable about this, is that there is not one celebrity that
fills the definition of feminist. They are ALL incredibly dependent
on something else to provide…. even those with children have no


want or need to endeavor into the area of actual feminism. Many of
them are substance abusers whether it is known publicly or not. In
the event that you are un aware… substance abuse makes a person
all the more dependent on those they get that substance from…
especially in a high profile situation.

For instance, there is a certain female musical performer that was
the wife of a very popular ‘punk/pop’ genre male performer… who
is often used to promote some supposed ‘feminist’ stance and image
in her professional and ‘personal’ career. Her image is seen as some
‘female warrior’ in the battle of the sex’s…. as a feminist figure.

SHE IS A JUNKIE. A junkie with a daughter that is coming into a
time in her life where she really needs a stable figure from which to
become herself through growth and relationship.

This performer has a distinct dependency. She nor those that
provide her fix, could care less as to how she procures the funds to
attain that fix. The power of celebrity then becomes quite
dangerous beyond simple influence on a political body/movement.

This professional performer is never promoted as a junkie. That
isn’t the preferred image that sells records for the record company.
She is portrayed as feminist icon. Her image and fan base are often
used in the manners I have described for ‘feminism for hire.’ They
are very prominent in the areas of creating (and maintaining)
political issues. Sadly, the issues aren’t even the important part….
Maintaining them is simply seen as some sort of profit vehicle.

Actual feminist in my opinion, should do everything that they can
to avoid celebrity influence on their lives. There are no celebrity
feminists. THEY ARE CELEBRITIES. The ‘feminist’ is nothing
more than another target market from the perspective of them and
their management, parent companies. It is surprising how
believable they are seen as being in those capacities.

This isn’t to say that I believe celebrities should not portray
political issues and situations…. Factually the entertainment
industry depends on those portrayals… I just don’t see how people
lose the fact that they are professional LIARS. Just because they
portray something in a performance, does not mean it is their
personal belief… especially after reaching an area of society where
EVERYTHING is provided for except their sustained popularity…
which is their very first concern- BAR NONE.


The sensationalism and ‘celebrity’ aspect of modern politics and
political figures should be taken more into account as well, in my
opinion. Especially considering the large corporate influences and
the use/manipulation of that “pseudo feminist” body. It really has
become very similar in many respects to outright celebrity. This has
been evident for decades, as that aspect has grown…. but never so
much as in regard to the modern feminist, the feminist movement
and what it truly represents in the modern day.